LEAP CMS - Website Operating System

Be Your Own Webmaster.
Chapter 6

Administrator Management Module

The "System Administrator" user:

The "System Administrator" user should not be updated or changed, if you wish to have additional users you can always add new ones.
The System Admin is the master user and required for LEAP and for Treefrog to assist you - if it is removed it's a billable service to get it back.

To add an administrator:
  1. In the Main Admin section, select Administrators module.
  1. Select Add Administrator. Add the person’s information and select Add User.
Picture To edit an administrator:
  1. In the Main Admin section, select the Administrators module.
  1. Select the Edit icon next to the name of the person you wish to edit.
  1. Make the desired changes and select Update User.
Picture To delete an administrator:
  1. In the Main Admin section, select the Administrators module.
  1. Select the Delete icon next to the name of the person you wish to remove.

Administrator Groups Module

In the Administrator Groups module, you can create groups to organize the approved users, and to control which aspects of leap‰ each group can access. For example, you may want your management team to have full access to all Administration and Content modules while preferring to limit other departments to accessing the Content modules only.

To add an Administrator Group:
  1. In the Main Admin section, select Administrator Groups.
  1. Select Add Group.
  1. Create a name for the group and select Add New Group.
Picture To edit an Administrator Group:
  1. In the Main Admin section, select Administrator Groups.
  1. Select the Edit icon next to the group you wish to change.
  1. Select the buttons you wish to give access to under Update, Publish, Structure, Style and/or Access.

To delete an Administrator Group:
  1. In the Main Admin section, select Administrator Groups.

  2. Select the Delete icon next to the group you wish to remove.

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