LEAP CMS - Website Operating System

Be Your Own Webmaster.

LEAP™ User FAQ - Tricks & Tips

1. What is 'BlankSkin'?

Blank Skin is often a completely blank version of your site. These skins are usually used for test pages or upload pages, or even possibly your Admin section.

When creating a page for your site odds are you won't choose BlankSkin, Treefrog uses them for your Admin as well as it's only used for specific purposes so check with your trainer or a Frog to find out which skin you should be choosing!

2. What is error.lasso and why does it have an extension?

error.lasso is the front/first page of your site. We go to great lengths to make sure that Google doesn't see and or read that page as an error, it just runs in the background of the system.

You as a LEAP™ user can add/delete/update page names as you wish other than error.lasso, if you change the name of that page viewers will not be able to view the site you've put all the time into.

Also, error.lasso is the only page on your LEAP™ site with an extension. With any other page on your site there is no need to worry about .php, .asp or .html - LEAP™ already does the work for you and your pages are named "About-Us" etc., which makes all your pages easier for Search Engines to read.

3. How do I get to the administration side of my website?

Open your preferred browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc) then go to your website URL (eg http://www.treefrog.ca). Once the page loads type your keyword into your keyboard, you will then be prompted with a LOGIN/PASSWORD. Once you have logged in your site will "flip" to the administration side.

If you have lost your password contact us, we can help you find it!

4. I added a module but can't see it!

This one is very common, LEAP modules have the ability to be closed while you're still on the administration side to give you a preview of what they'll look like.
Scroll to the top of you page and click the "OPEN ALL" button next to the "MAIN ADMIN"

5. I deleted a module! HELP!

Depending on which module you can contact us at Treefrog, you should always back up your data but there are magical ways of returning a module to it's previous state if you Contact Us - we can help!

6. How do I add a module to a page?

Adding modules is a 2 step process.

1. Scroll to the top off your page and click ADD NEW MODULE.
Two options will then appear - from the drop-down choose the module you wish to add to that specific page.

2. Then click step 2 - ADD NEW MODULE.
That module will get added to the bottom of that page, you can then move it to wherever you wish to be on that page.

7. Can you change the "This page does not exist" page text?

At the MAIN ADMIN, Go to SETTINGS. The text is there to update. Treefrog has put in the default text in order for if a page is deleted but still linked by someone somewhere they get directed to the site and are not turned away.

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